A look behind the scenes at VNTR

This podcast episode is all about innovation. Mathias Strazza, Head of VNTR, talks about the groundbreaking moments and challenges that have shaped the last decade of innovation at PostFinance. From the creation and development of VNTR to specific projects that have revolutionized the customer’s financial experience. You will also get an insight into the readings from the books “Failbook” and “Successbook” published by VNTR. This talk offers an in-depth and comprehensive look behind the scenes of PostFinance’s innovation drive – a must for anyone interested in the future of finance and innovation.

Click here for the podcast episode
Episode 24: The innovative power of PostFinance – a look behind the scenes at VNTR


VNTR Future Review #002

In our Future Reviews, we share trend signals, insights and learnings from the past few months. The latest review focuses on developments in the field of artificial intelligence.